Why should you consider taking on apprentices to help build your business?

Taking on apprentices can be a great way to introduce new talent into your organisation. Talent that will be trained by you in the most efficient way for your business. Many apprentices choose to stay with the company that trained them and become long-term members of staff, lowering the need to re-hire further down the line.

The mixture of on-the-job training and learning for their qualification means your apprentice will develop the skills that work best for your business. If your company has any shortage of skills, you can hire an apprentice and train them within these areas. You will also achieve lower costs for training and recruitment as hiring an apprentice is more cost effective than hiring skilled staff. Plus, funding is available through the levy government tax, and so you’ll have direct control on how you spend your money.

Finally, 92% of employers who take on apprentices agree that they have led to a more motivated and satisfied workforce, while around 83% confirm that they now rely on apprenticeship programmes to provide skilled workers of the future.